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School Consultants assist administrators, teachers, and parents in essential ways:


  • I assist teachers with reflection and problem-solving in response to challenging classroom management or individual behavioral problems. This could include implementing specific activities which promote typical development, using relationship-based means of increasing a child's sense of security, and employing behavioral systems or other strategies within the classroom. I also provide support to teachers as they prepare to communicate developmental and/or behavioral concerns to parents and caregivers.


  • I provide training to parents and staff on a wide variety of topics related to the psychological, emotional, social, and cognitive development. I have experience leading Parent Forums on topics such as Understanding Children's Behavior, The Importance of Play, and Dealing with Tantrums. In addition, I have facilitated teacher trainings on topics such as Developmental Screening and Easing Transitions.


  • Through reflective practice, I help teachers and parents understand possible reasons why a child is struggling and what can be done to help. This can be accomplished through classroom observation, completion of questionnaires and developmental screening instruments, and collaborative discussions with parents and teachers present. 

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